Wednesday, July 30

To be updated

I will update the blog soon, I promise! We've been quite busy moving into our new house & I don't know where some things are!

Monday, July 21

The most used room in the house

Everyone loves the bathroom! Even the kitty. Here is the evidence that he was here. Did you know that toilet paper is a great cat toy? Yeah, our kitty loves to unroll it all over the floor. Then he proceeds to play with it and rip it up. Argh!

Add that to potty training & my bathrooms are a mess!!!! Colin is doing pretty well with the potty training. He really likes wearing the "big boy" underwear. Sometimes it is just hard to stop playing and get to the toilet!

Saturday, July 12


Yesterday we took a trip to the Anderson Dairy. It was a FREE tour and ended in FREE ice cream. Also, it was inside where there was air conditioning. What could be better in the summer? It was a cute tour with some animatronic animals (think Bear Country Jamboree from Disneyland) and a walk down the halls to see the workers making cottage cheese & sour cream. We also saw the milk being bottled into plastic gallon size jugs. A conveyor carrying empty jugs stretched across the hall above our heads and into the room where the jugs were filled. It was a pretty cool setup. Down another hall we saw the huge freezer for the ice cream. Then we watched a movie of the history of Anderson Dairy and were treated to a yummy bowl of Cookies & Cream ice cream. The kids all enjoyed it!

Quinn's 2nd lost tooth....amazing

Another tooth gone! Just a few days after the first, Quinn's other front tooth looked like it was going to wobble out so......Ryan just pulled it out quickly. Little help from Orajel (to numb everything) and it was out. Now Quinn has a great new smile. Awwww. Isn't he cute???

Thursday, July 3

Quinn has lost his first tooth!!!!

Check out the gaping hole! Quinn lost the same tooth that Liam lost a month or so ago. We are all very excited to see the new tooth coming in. Tonight the tooth fairy will be at our house.

Summertime fun

Here are the boys having fun before the FREE movie. They were running around outside while we waited. Every Tuesday & Wednesday our local movie theater shows movies from last year for free for families. You have to get there early to get a seat, but it is really fun. Of course, I never seem to do the totally free thing.....we always have to buy a drink or popcorn (or there will be much whining), but I figure it is still cheaper than paying for tickets AND goodies! Plus it is inside and air conditioned!!! What could be better?